Dr. Chandrima Banerjee

Dr. Chandrima Banerjee

  • 9831460658
  • chandrima.banerjee@unigrow.in

What I do

Dr. Chandrima Banerjee is the Director and one of the Co founders of Unigrow Solutions Private Limited, a consulting company working in the area of HR, Technology & Supply Chain. Chandrima is a senior HR professional with experience in diverse areas and brings in her rich corporate experience in both functional domain and business understanding. She has served corporate for more than 20 years before starting her own venture. Her organisation is presently working with a large number of leading corporate clients across industries. She has held senior leadership positions and has experience in aligning HR functions with the strategy, leadership development, managing talent pool, performance & reward management, learning & development, OD and change management. She has worked with industry leaders across various industries managing large employee base like Exide Industries, IBM Global Process Services, Spencer´s Retail, SREI group etc. She has served as an independent Director in the board of a reputed private sector organization.

She has done her Doctoral Level Fellowship in Human Resource Development from XLRI, Jamshedpur. Her doctoral research was in the area of Strategic HR. She has done post graduate management studies. She is passionate about OD, change management and has done extensive work in these areas. She has been trained and certified in various psychometric Instruments (like MBTI, 16 PF, PAPI etc), Human Process Labs, Group Dynamics, Competency Mapping, Change Management and OD.

Chandrima is an OD specialist with rich experience in facilitating Large Scale Change initiatives. Needless to say, no sustainable change is possible without support of the organisational members. It is imperative to involve people meaningfully to capture their intelligence and commitment for creating ownership and accountability for the desired sustainable change.

She has worked with senior leadership teams to build vision & values, desired culture, talent management framework, effective L&D solutions and leadership effectiveness. Chandrima is also passionate about developing life skills for the students and young professionals to ensure higher employability and effective transition from ‘college to corporate’. She is a certified Executive Coach. As a coach she has worked with senior managers from different organizations across industries for developing leadership ability.

Chandrima has been serving different professional bodies like CMA, CII, National HRD Network, Indian Society of Applied Behavioural Science. She was a Board Member of National HRD Network. She has served as the Vice President & Executive Committee member of Kolkata Chapter of National HRD Network and was the editor of the chapter journal. Presently she is the committee member of CII Eastern Region HR/IR subcommittee. She has been teaching as a visiting faculty is various B schools. She has received many awards and accolades for her contribution in the HR field.

Unigrow is presently working with a large number of leading corporate clients. Unigrow is also working as a Partner with two other leading HR/OD consulting companies in India. Chandrima leads complex and prestigious assignments in HR, OD and Change Management. To put in briefly, she works in the following areas :

  • Strategic HR – aligning HR function with the strategy of the organisation. Transforming HR function to become strategic partners
  • Performance Management. Reward Management
  • Organisational Restructuring
  • Competency Mapping & Assessment
  • Assessment /Development centre
  • Career Planning. Succession Planning
  • Talent Management
  • Employee Engagement
  • Leadership Development
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Learning & Development Solutions.
  • Experiential / Out bound learning
  • Vision & Value
  • Large Scale Change Management
  • Culture Building
  • Organisational Development (OD) initiatives
  • Executive coaching to develop leadership ability

Our Clients

Unigrow_Solution_Client_Brodridge Financial Solutions
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Neo Metaliks Ltd
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Century Ply
Unigrow_Solution_Client_World Bank
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Tcg Digital
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Bharat Petroleum
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Link Pen
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Techno Group
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Arohan Financial Services Ltd
Unigrow_Solution_Client_Philips Carbon